Our Liturgical Minisisties Include:
Alter Servers, Readers, Sacristans, Eucharistic Ministers, Ushers, Greeters Ministry, Communion to the Homebound Ministers, Music/ Choir, Funeral Services, Altar Society and Altar Linen Care.
For more information on our Liturgical Ministries please go to the Liturgical Ministries Tab or click here.
Our Sacramental Ministries Include:
Baptism Preparations, Communion to the Homebound, Adoration, Marraige Preparations, Wedding Event Coordination, and Annointing of the Sick.
For more information on our Sacramental Ministries please go to the Sacraments Tabs above or click here.
Our Formation Ministies Includes:
Children's Liturgy of the Word (4-7 years of age), Faith Formation (K-Confirmation), Youth Ministry (Confirmed 8 - 12 grade youth), RCIA (Right of Christian Initiation of Adults), and Adult Formation.
For more information on our Formation please go to the Formation Ministries Tab or click here.
Our Spiritual Growth Ministreis Include:
Mom's Group, Men's Bible Study, Women's Faith Sharing Group, Women's Insight Group, and Senior Study.
For more information on our Spiritual Growth Ministries please go to the Spiritual Growth Ministries Tab or click here.
Our Spiritual Outreach Ministries Include:
Caregivers Support Group, Stephen Ministry, Rosary Makers, St. Francis Quilters, Red Cross and Prison Ministry.
For more information on our Spiritual Outreach Ministries please go to the Spiritual Outreach Ministries Tab or click here.
Our Social Action Ministries Inculde:
Food Pantry, St. Francis Clothes Closet, and Hope Garden.
For more information on our Social Action Ministries please go to the Social Action Ministries Tab or click here.
Our Parish Life Ministries Include:
Parish Office Volunteers, Hospitality Ministries (Coffee & Dounuts, Wine & Cheese, and Funeral Reception Services), Grounds Volunteers, Cub Scouts SBA, Knight of Columbus, and Holy Rollers (Pie Makers).
For more information on our Parish Life Ministries please go to the Parish Life Ministries Tab or click here.
Our School Life Ministries Include:
St. Francis School and St. Francis School Volunteers.
For more information on our School Life Ministries please go to the School Life Ministries Tab or click here.